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Reading with Magnifying Glass

past studies

The PARC team has been at the forefront of pediatric OCD and anxiety treatment for many years.

The BRAVE Study

The purpose of The BRAVE Study was to test the best way to measure treatment quality during Exposure Therapy, for therapists treating children and young adults with anxiety.  As part of this study, researchers provided exposure therapy training for therapists at Riverside Community Care. Children were asked to participate in this study to help test a new tool to better understand different things that happen during exposure therapy to make it more or less effective.

Child Anxiety Disorders: 
Parenting and
Temperament Effects

This is a child anxiety assessment study where children 8 to 12 will receive an anxiety evaluation and participate in observations of family processes. We are interested in seeing how anxious children and their mothers talk about problems and interact in different situations.  

Treatment Access Study

This was a brief study to learn from parents about finding an exposure therapist. We wanted to know what things got in the way and what things helped you find treatment for your child.

Pediatric OCD Treatment Study: Augmentation of Partial Response

This was a treatment study for children and adolescents  (ages 7-17) with OCD, who still had symptoms after  pharmacological treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This study investigated the addition of CBT for those who partially responded to therapy with an SSRI alone.  

Family Based Treatment
of Early Childhood OCD

This is a collaborative, multi-site study with Duke University Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania  School of Medicine. The study is designed to test a family based Cognitive Behavioral  Treatment  (CBT) manual against a family based Relaxation Therapy (RT) manual in 5 through 8 year old children with OCD.

Pediatric OCD Treatment Study

This multi-site treatment study evaluated the effectiveness of CBT alone, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) alone, and combined CBT and SSRI treatment for children and adolescents (ages 7-17) with OCD. Results showed that children and adolescents with OCD should begin treatment with CBT alone or a combination of CBT and an SSRI. 

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